Where did the company get the confidence to purchase certified sustainable soybean meal and obtain the first SSAP certification from?
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Its reported that (from the reporter Hu Zengmin): Recently, Dekon Food and Agriculture Group (hereinafter referred to as “Dekon Group”) purchased 1,000 tons of certified sustainable American soybean meal and obtained the U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) certification. Focusing on product sustainability in the procurement business of feedstuff is an important step for Dekon Group to achieve sustainable and high-quality development of the enterprise, and is also a high recognition of the SSAP sustainable certification system. Dekon Group has obtained the SSAP certificate of feedstuff products, which demonstrates the industry responsibility of Dekon staff and a high degree of corporate social responsibility of Dekon Group.

With increasing consumer interest in sustainably grown products, product procurement has become an important part of many companies’ commitment to sustainable development. Beginning in 2014, the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and industry partners across the value chain contributed to the development and implementation of the U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP). SSAP is based on U.S. laws and regulations on agricultural resources conservation such as soil conservation, and sustainable production practices implemented by more than 75% of soybean farms in the United States since the early 1980s. It is certified by an independent third party to verify the sustainable soybean production system in the United States, with an aim to provide reliable information sources and guarantees for U.S. soybean customers and ensure that the soybeans they buy are produced in a sustainable manner.

After continuous updating and upgrading, the certification was transferable in 2022, which not only enabled U.S. soybean exporters to transfer such certificate to their international customers, but also allowed international customers to transfer such certificate to downstream enterprises when selling SSAP-certified U.S. soybean products in the value chain. A certificate can be transferred four times after the soybean product is exported. The transfer of certification helps exporters improve record keeping and transparency of their sustainable development efforts, so that more customers can fulfill their commitment to sustainable development. The first soybean meal SSAP certificate of Dekon Group was obtained through the transfer of soybean SSAP certificate of Yihai Kerry Group, a major soybean importer and processing enterprise in China.

Zhang Xiaoping, Chief Representative of the Greater China Region of the USSEC, stated that: “the sustainability of U.S. soybeans is guided by four principles: biodiversity and high carbon storage production; tillage method; public and labor health and welfare; and continuous improvement of production practice and environmental protection.

Over the past decade, the global attention to sustainable development and responsible procurement has been increasing, and the U.S. soybean industry has made great strides in documenting, verifying and sharing its sustainable development achievements. In recent years, the U.S. soybean industry has achieved fruitful results, and SSAP has also become one of the highlights.

In 2023, more than 44.48 million metric tons of sustainable U.S. soybeans were shipped worldwide. This means that 70% of the total soybean exports in the United States are SSAP certified, hitting a record high since the SSAP certificate was issued. Among all the sustainable soybean certification systems in the world, SSAP certificate ranks first in terms of total quantity and variety of certifications. At the same time, certified by a well-known third-party advisory agency in Europe, the carbon footprint of U.S. soybeans is the lowest in the world compared to soybeans, other vegetable proteins and vegetable oils from other origins, taking into account the impact of planting and changes in land use.

In 2023, a total of 74 U.S. exporters applied for and obtained SSAP certification at the request of importers when exporting U.S. soybeans. SSAP certified U.S. soybeans account for 99% and 92% of the total exports of U.S. soybeans and soybean products to Europe and Northeast Asia. These figures underscore that sustainability is an important factor of purchasing decisions in the international market.

Zeng Min, Executive Director and Secretary of the Board of Dekon Group, stated that: “Since its establishment, Dekon Group has always adhered to the principle of doing farming with food thinking, and making food with healthy thinking’. As a company committed to sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry development, the success of SSAP certification is of strategic positive significance for us. This milestone is a concrete manifestation of our commitment to environment, society and governance (ESG). This certification is not only a sign of our strict compliance with environmental protection and social responsibility in production activities, but also a proof of our firm belief in continuing to promote the industry towards sustainable development.

Our sustainable development concept includes efficient use of resources and optimization of energy use to ensure the sustainability of the entire supply chain. By purchasing SSAP certified sustainable U.S. soybean meal, we further strengthen our commitment to global environmental protection standards and ensure the traceability and transparency of the whole chain from the source to the consumer.

In the future, Dekon Group looks forward to working with more soybean meal suppliers (e.g. Yihai Kerry Group) and partners (e.g. USSEC) to jointly promote the implementation of a broader traceability system and certification mechanism. We believe that through such cooperation, we can not only strengthen consumers’ trust in our products, but also promote higher environmental and social responsibility standards across the industry, contributing to the achievement of broader sustainable development goals.”




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