Big News! The Founding Meeting of China Plateau Mountain Industry-Education Integration Community for Ecological Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry was held in Anshun
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On July 6, the Founding Meeting of China Plateau Mountain Industry-Education Integration Community for Ecological Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry (hereinafter referred to as the “Community”) was held in Anshun. The meeting aims to deepen the integration of industry and education and cooperation between schools and enterprises, bring together industry and education resources across regions, and build a China Plateau Mountain Industry-Education Integration Community for Ecological Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry that effectively promotes high matching of industry and education layout, and efficient service docking, and supports the development of the industry. Experts and representatives from 145 member units, including undergraduate higher education institutions, higher vocational colleges, excellent enterprises, scientific research institutions and industry organizations from 16 provinces, regions and cities across the country, attended the meeting.

The meeting voted to adopt the Constitution of the Community, and elected Dekon Food and Agriculture Group, Guizhou University and Anshun Technical College as the chairman units, Sichuan Agricultural University and other 14 units as the executive vice chairman units, Institute of Animal Sciences of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other 26 units as the vice chairman units, Yichun University and other 33 units as the director units, Guizhou Deyu Gene Technology Co., Ltd. as the secretary-general unit, and Anshun Technical College as the executive vice secretary-general unit. The awarding ceremony was held.

It is reported that China Plateau Mountain Industry-Education Integration Community for Ecological Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry (hereinafter referred to as the “Community”) is a new organizational form of cross-regional and industrial integration of industry and education, which is led by Dekon Food and Agriculture Group, Guizhou Deyu Gene Technology Co., Ltd., Guizhou University and Anshun Technical College, and brings together more than 100 member units, including industry organizations, associations, schools, scientific research institutions, and upstream and downstream enterprises in Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan and Jiangsu provinces, etc.

The industry-education integration community is a major institutional design and innovation to promote the construction and reform of modern vocational education system in China. The “community” established this time will adhere to the concept of “co-construction, sharing, win-win, shared responsibility and common prosperity”, and establish and improve the operation mechanism of the Council and Executive Committee. Firstly, the Community will establish a mechanism for closely connecting the supply and demand of production and education in livestock and poultry breeding industry, compile and release “two reports and two lists” in a timely manner, and promote efficient coordination between supply and demand of industry and education. Secondly, the Community will further promote cooperation between schools and enterprises in cultivating students, jointly carry out talent training, and strive to improve the quality of talent training. Thirdly, the Community will build a high-level scientific research team and social service team, focus on industry needs, strive to make technological breakthrough to track the new technologies, new processes, new methods and new standards of the industry, jointly develop high-quality teaching resources and advanced teaching equipment and popularize their application, and fully support the high-quality development of the industry. In order to better serve the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas and serve the high-quality development of livestock and poultry breeding industry, we will rely on the national industry-education integration community in the livestock and poultry breeding industry to gather wisdom, strength and resources.

Many attendees highly praised the meeting and expressed confidence in the future development of the industry. Li Xinchang, Deputy Secretary of the CPC and Dean of Anshun Technical College, stated that the establishment of the Community will further promote the integration of industry and education, deepen school-enterprise cooperation, promote vocational education and school management at a high level and high quality, and provide stronger guarantee and support for the development of agriculture and rural areas in plateau mountain areas, especially Guizhou, and the further promotion of rural revitalization.

“At present, from the production end of our whole livestock production industry, the talent reserve is far behind the international advanced level. With the establishment of this industry-education integration community, we are committed to meeting the needs of talent cultivation, transformation of scientific research achievements, and industrial development, and building a sustainable and exchange platform. This industry-education- research platform plays a huge positive role in the development of our whole industry and the development of livestock and poultry breeding industry”, said Gu Xiaolong, General Manager of Dekon Group Gui’an Regional Company.



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